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Big Business


The top fifty companies with the highest revenues in the U.S. collectively represented 30% of our GDP in 2018 — over six-trillion dollars! These corporations are powerful players in the economy and society at large. They control the flow of materials and goods, employ millions of workers, and are responsible for prolific advertising. The fact that they have an impact on the environment, their employees, and the surrounding communities is undeniable. 


CSRHub is an organization that compiles data about the ways corporations influence the environment, communities, their employees, and society. Their research methodology is legitimate, and they produce ratings and rankings for hundreds of companies. 


I combined data from and to create this visualization. I wanted to make something that was simple to navigate and understand, and could provide a quick, comparative overview of the ethicality of top corporations in the U.S. I built the interactive chart using JavaScript, and the rest of the site with HTML.

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